• 灵猩

    Student Jane jobs as an assistant for the animal researcher Phillip in a lonesome old house. They live alone except for the chimpanzees and butler Link a 45 years old very intelligent orangutan. Phillip wants to put Link to death. However before he can do this he's vanished tracelessly one morning. Link starts behaving more and more aggressive and prohibits Jane from using the phone or reaching the next village. When she punishes him by locking him out, he becomes violent.
  • 著名的韦氏词典中“Limey“的解释之一是“英国水手”,在这部斯蒂芬·索德伯赫的的作品中,我们的主人公曾经做过水手。这位倔强的英国人来到洛杉矶一心要为自己的爱女复仇。所以本片取名“Limey”意为讲述一个在洛杉矶因为愤怒、复仇而迷失了自己的人——威尔森。